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ISEO/FIAM locks » ISEO tandem (upper and lower locks)

ISEO tandem (upper and lower locks)
ISEO - the company was founded in 1969 in Italy. In its activities the company began producing cylinders, doors and padlocks. Today ISEO is one of the largest companies in Europe locks in the manufacturing sector, one of his factories in Italy produces 11 million cylinders per annum.
In view of the Lithuanian market characteristics, the use of two armored door locks, cylinders ISEO created a line that connects the two locks on the joint locking system - Tandems. With the tandem system of two (upper and lower) locks at Lock key. Along with the main system of keys and get another one, the so-called "nanny" key, which locks the only one of the locks. This feature is useful when the keys to the house have to believe strangers: builders, nannies, cleaners and so on. Lock the two locks on the door you can be sure that a person with "nanny", or a copy of the key will not unlock the door. Tandem provides two benefits: 1) allows two different types of locks to lock a single key - it's very convenient, 2) provides a "nanny" key function
ISEO Tandem comprises: a main lock with 672 ISEO ISEO R6 PLUS cylinder and hardened cylinder guard, the lower base NEMEF lock with lock body, ISEO R6 cylinder, double handles with nylon mounting guoliuku inner turn lock nylon guoliuku.